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AUTISM is a lifelong neurological disorder that affects the ability to communicate, interact, and learn in a conventional manner.  Individuals with this disorder, however, can exhibit a wide range of behaviors and abilities.  In 2021, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 44 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a rate significantly higher than its estimate from 2018.  It is believed that the spike in diagnoses is a result of both increasing awareness of the condition, and more widespread access to evaluations.  Boys continue to be four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.

The vast majority of children with autism will benefit greatly by being placed in a specialized school program at an early age.  Since 1973, Burger School for Students with Autism, a center-based program administered by Garden City Schools, has excelled in the education of students affected by this disorder.  Burger currently has an enrollment of about 160, drawn from 18 Wayne County school districts.  Its classrooms are housed in two separate locations:  Burger Baylor, for students aged 6 to 18; and the Transition Center, with ages from 18 to 26.

The Burger Autistic School Association, Inc. (BASA) is a community-based, non-profit organization of teachers and family members of Burger students and alumni.  Our mission is to enhance the educational opportunities of students at Burger School by procuring financial and other resources to obtain material, equipment, and adaptive devices appropriate to their wide variety of educational needs.  We provide information and activities for families, peer support, and advocacy.

We also work to raise community awareness about people with autism and their concerns, while striving to help each other and to help our students reach their full potential as independent and productive members of society.  The annual “Autos for Autism” Car Show is, by far, BASA’s biggest source of revenue in service of these goals.

Thank you for your interest.  We hope you will take a moment to consider how you can support this year’s Car Show, and Burger School for Students with Autism.